„Our organization, Sartorius, is a global equipment and materials provider for laboratories. Many of our products are of extreme high value, while others are often, regarded as commodities. In both cases, it was essential that our Sales, Service and Technical people were capable of consultatively selling value to our clients and ultimately entering high level negotiations to close the deal with the highest possible price levels.
Mercuri International effectively addressed this in in 2 stages. The first was Consultative Selling Skills shortly followed up by intensive Negotiations Skills Training. Today our Bioprocess group is having great success by exceeding targets with optimized margins. We attribute a good part of this to the Mercuri Development Process which created consistency and alignment between the Selling and Negotiation Programs while highly customizing it to the specifics of our business.
The theoretical content, including financial aspects of the sale was important, but the key was giving the team time to prepare with what they learned from the theory, and then running intense realistic role plays.
We rolled this program out globally, and from my personal experience in North America, I was very comfortable and confident with the entire team of consultants.
Bottom line. If you’re NOT a competitor of Sartorius and you are looking to seriously increase your Negotiation Win Ratios, then, use Mercuri to develop your team.“
Mark Walker,
Director of Training – Americas, Sartorius Corporation